
Mushrooms at Sylvan Solace

By July 28, 2016 August 2nd, 2016 No Comments

On a warm Saturday morning, the attendees at the Sylvan Solace Mushroom Walk were greeted by Sister Marie Kopin July 23rd.  She is our guest writer today, and here is her report of the event:

“Sister Marie Kopin brought along educational materials including books, magazines, and samples of recently gathered specimens.  The orientation included looking over these specimens to give an idea of what to expect when we ‘hit the trail’.  We found two gilled specimens right on the walk.  One was a very small amanita species.  The second was a lactarius piperatus.  It is a very peppery tasting kind of mushroom, yet some prepare it and eat it; I would be very careful about this.  Go to to learn more. Of course, there were a number of older ‘shelf’ type mushrooms.  Things were very dry so fresh specimens were limited.”

There will be two more CWC mushroom walks at Hall’s Lake led by Sister Marie.  Please check our events page for more details.  If you are new to mushroom hunting, contains information for the novice as well as recipes and activities for kids.